Planer Setting Jig
Our planer & thicknesser knife setting jigs offer a simplified and fast method to change the knives. The jigs can be used with most planers, thicknessers or combination machines. All you need is access to the cutterblock, in most cases this means lifting up the planer beds or removing one of the tables completely. The jigs are fitted with strong magnets which will clamp it to the cutterblock. In the centre of the jig is a setting rod with another magnet for holding the tip of the blade, during setting. All of our machines, and most other brands too, are supplied with a low cost knife setting tool. Whilst they are adequate, they are time consuming requiring great patience to get both ends of the knife equal. Tightening one bolt often inadvertently moves the opposite end of the knife. On first use, the jigs are set and locked to the exact setting for your machine. Whenever fitting new or re-ground knives from then on, the setting will be saved on the jig and accurate height setting of the knives is made simple. Planer Knife Setting Jig. Set planer knives quickly and accurately with these magnetized setting jigs. The jig holds knives tightly in position while both hands are free to adjust the jigs and cutter head. Keeps knives in perfect alignment while setting and fits planer knives from 12" to 24". Pair comes in wood box.